Pull Request Templates on GitHub

How to improve the code review process and reduce f**-up rate significantly

Author: Krzysztof Miemiec

Sun Aug 12 2018

Pull Request Templates

Have you ever used PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md? If not, I really recommend you to start doing it. After adding such file to your repository, GitHub (or any other repository management service) will start adding that markdown file as a content of your Pull Requests. You can add a “before-merge checklist” of things that can’t be automatically checked by CI or can be easily forgotten. A strict template structure also helps the others to quickly skim through the contents of PR description.

How does it help us

Recently we had a minor problem, because I forgot to check if the app has correct, up-to-date translations before the release. We have a fully automatic deployment pipeline, in which PR merge to master branch equals production deployment. So yes, we had a production release without some basic checks. To prevent this kind of f**-ups in the future, I decided to create separate PR templates, designed specifically for staging and production builds.

Let’s do this together

You can place a single PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md in one of the following locations to define a default template for all PRs:

  • PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md in repository’s root

Our basic PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md looks like this:

## PR Type
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
[ ] Bugfix
[ ] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Build related changes
[ ] CI related changes
[ ] Documentation content changes
[ ] Tests
[ ] Other
[Jira Link](https://xsolve.atlassian.net/browse/PROJECT_KEY)

## What's new?

## Screenshots

GitHub automatically detects multiple PR templates stored in .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE in your repository’s main branch, but their names have to be passed to the URL.

First, the template for staging to master pull request, located in .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/master.md:

# 1.x.x Production Release

## Checklist before merge
* **Developer's responsibilities**
* [ ] This pull request merges `staging` to `master`
* [ ] The source commit is tagged with version number
* [ ] Translations are in sync with the app
* [ ] Approved by at least one developer: @krzysztof-miemiec
* [ ] **Pull request build** has passed
* [ ] Staging app has been deployed successfully (sometimes iOS build fails despite successful deployment)
* [ ] Production backend has been updated to reflect new features and fix bugs
* [ ] Changelog has been proposed below
* **Product Owner's responsibilities**
* [ ] No issues have been found on staging environment
* [ ] Product Owner has approved the release
* [ ] Final changelog has been determined/approved
* [ ] Final changelog has at most **500 characters**

## Proposed changelog

<tr><th>English <code>en</code></th><th>Deutsch <code>de</code></th><tr>
• Insert English changelog here
• ...
• Insert German changelog here
• ...

## Detailed changelog
Changes since last production release.

In our case, the link to quickly create such PR is


There is no point in creating a template without an easy access to it. Hence, I placed small buttons in the top of our README.md:

Want to deploy the app? Press one of the buttons below:

<a href="https://github.com/xsolve-pl/project-name/compare/staging...develop?expand=1&template=staging.md">![Staging Release](./docs/staging_release.svg)</a>
<a href="https://github.com/xsolve-pl/project-name/compare/master...staging?expand=1&template=master.md">![Production Release](./docs/production_release.svg)</a>

The result looks like this:

Want to deploy the app? Press one of the buttons below:

Staging Release Production Release

There is no easier way that I’m aware of - just a simple press of a button to create a release PR.

Additional benefit of having a checklist is that we can track status of the progress on our release.

Pull Requests Summary
