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How to use AWS cognito without any library
My target language doesn't support any aws' library for cognito, what can I do now?
Grzegorz M. (@grzesjam), Maciej Papież (@maciejpapiez)
How to quickly remove merged branches
I've got dozens of merged branches in my bitbucket/github - how to remove them?
Maciej Papież (@maciejpapiez)
Time out-of-sync in AWS EC2
How to let network time protocol do its job
Maciej Papież (@maciejpapiez)
Naming Sass color variables
My approach to name color variables
Krzysztof Grziwok
How to write a Phing target autocomplete bash script
Improved solution with multiple imported XML build files support
Przemek Pawlas
Dev & prod ready Docker setup for SPA app
Simple and light env setup to run SPA apps on various configurations with Docker multi-stage build
Marcin Łesek (@marcinlesek)
.NET in MY browser?
Blazor - a WASM powered front-end framework
Krzysztof Miczkowski
And why @PrePersist is bad for your entity
Anna Skawińska
Complex command handler in JavaScript
Comparison of using Promise and async/await
Mariusz Bąk (malef)
Unresolved status check from Travis on Github Pull Request
When your repository couldn't get information from Travis about build status check and you stuck on unresolved PR
Marcin Łesek (@marcinlesek)
Quick import of MySQL database dump
How to import 3 GB database dump in under 30 seconds
Mariusz Bąk (malef)
Elasticsearch error - [script] unknown field [source], parser not found
Caused by Elastica and how to fix Travis?
Przemek Pawlas
Pull Request Templates on GitHub
How to improve the code review process and reduce f**-up rate significantly
Krzysztof Miemiec
PHP with MySQL 8
How to avoid authentication method error
Przemek Pawlas
Minio as S3 replacement in development and beyond
How to configure self-hosted S3 file storage with Docker and setup Symfony Flysystem
Dawid Śpiechowicz
Make JAXB great again!
Setup JAXB to generate a fluent builder API and use java.time classes
Maciej Papież
How to implement Redux in React
What is Redux and how we can combine it with our application?
Michał Rożenek
Async/await in Express routing
How to do it?
Dawid Rożenek
Is MySQL's auto_increment really monotonic?
Why you shouldn't rely on auto_increment feature in some cases.
Maciej Papież
Cross-system XDebug Docker setup
Docker Compose example
Przemek Pawlas
MySQL decimal formatting
Without FORMAT() usage
Kamil Ścisłowski
How does Slack talk to Spotify?
A couple of findings from a curious developer
Maciej Papież
Reverting branch removal in Git
Mateusz Rosiek
Git not detecting renames
Quick workarounds
Przemek Pawlas
Doctrine NEW DQL operator and objects
Can we combine them?
Przemek Pawlas
Travis - problematic Python and Node
Krzysztof Miemiec