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Headless CMS: A Guide for CTOs and Product Owners

When creating digital products that require a CMS, you might wonder which solution to choose. Of course, you could build a CMS from scratch, tailoring it to your team’s needs, but this approach is both costly and time-consuming. Additionally, there are dozens of ready-made solutions on the market that offer excellent user experience, are easy to implement, and are cost-effective. In this article, I will share my knowledge about headless CMSs—read on if you’re facing the decision of choosing such a tool yourself.

Headless CMS: A Guide for CTOs and Product Owners

Table of contents

Headless CMS vs Traditional CMS: What is the difference?

Headless CMS differs from traditional CMS by decoupling the content management backend from the front-end presentation layer. While traditional CMSs like WordPress combine content creation, management, and display in one system, a headless CMS focuses solely on managing content and delivers it via APIs to any front-end or platform. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and the ability to deliver consistent content across multiple channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and IoT devices.

What are the advantages of headless Content Management Systems?

Each case is different, and everyone should choose solutions according to their needs, but in my opinion, headless CMSs are a pretty good choice. Here’s why:

1. Flexibility and Speed: Headless CMS allows content delivery across multiple platforms simultaneously, speeding up the deployment of new features and updates.

2. Scalability: Easily scale as the project grows, essential for dynamically expanding businesses.

3. Tailored Content: Adapt content for various user groups and devices to boost user interaction.

4. Security: Separating the backend from the frontend improves security by minimizing the risk of system attacks.

5. Integration with Modern Tools: Facilitates easy integration with analytics, marketing, and e-commerce tools, enabling advanced solutions.

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How Does It Improve Team Collaboration?

Headless CMS significantly enhances team collaboration due to its architecture. Separating content management from presentation allows different team members to work on the same project simultaneously. Content creators can focus on generating and editing content, while developers handle the frontend, eliminating cross-interference and accelerating content production. Additionally, a headless CMS frees teams from the constraints of a specific technology stack imposed by the CMS itself. For example, unlike WordPress, which requires PHP, a headless CMS can be consumed by various technologies such as React or PHP, providing greater flexibility and adaptability. This setup enables faster implementation of changes and updates, crucial for team efficiency and flexibility.

Market Overview and Devs Experience Insights on Available Solutions

Strapi CMS

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Rapid backend development, open-source, highly customizable, and versatile API options. Strapi is a powerful headless CMS designed to streamline backend development, enabling developers to quickly build and deploy content APIs that are fully customizable. The platform is open-source, meaning the entire codebase is accessible on GitHub, and it is maintained by a thriving community of contributors. Strapi’s flexibility is one of its standout features, offering easy customization of both the admin panel and the API itself. This CMS supports both RESTful and GraphQL APIs, which allows developers to consume the API from a wide range of clients, including modern frontend frameworks (React, Vue, Angular), mobile apps, and IoT devices. Additionally, Strapi provides both self-hosted and cloud-based deployment options, giving teams the freedom to choose the infrastructure that best suits their needs without being locked into a single platform​.

When is it good for me?: Strapi is particularly well-suited for development teams that prioritize rapid backend development and require a high degree of customization. If your project involves complex content structures and requires integration with a variety of modern technologies, Strapi’s support for RESTful and GraphQL APIs makes it an excellent choice. The platform is also ideal for teams that prefer open-source solutions and value community-driven innovation. Furthermore, Strapi’s flexible deployment options—whether on-premises, in the cloud, or on Strapi’s managed platform—make it adaptable to a wide range of project needs​.

When is it not?: Strapi may not be the best fit for projects that need extensive out-of-the-box functionalities without requiring much customization. Smaller teams or projects with limited technical resources might find the setup and ongoing maintenance of a self-hosted solution to be challenging. Additionally, while Strapi Cloud offers a managed service, it might not be the most budget-friendly option for projects that don’t require the full scope of Strapi’s capabilities.

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Contentful CMS

USP: Composable content platform, enterprise-grade scalability, intuitive for all contributors. Contentful is an intelligent composable content platform designed to empower brands to deliver scalable and impactful digital experiences. It is trusted by leading enterprises for its ability to allow developers and creators to build, connect, and reuse content efficiently across multiple channels. Contentful offers a unified content system that seamlessly integrates with various platforms, enabling teams to create, manage, and deliver multi-experiences rapidly. With its visually engaging and intuitive interfaces, Contentful caters to the needs of developers, editors, marketers, and writers alike, making it a versatile tool for collaborative content creation. As an AWS partner, Contentful also benefits from the reliability and security of AWS infrastructure, and offers an integration with AWS Amplify through its marketplace​.

When is it good for me?: Contentful is an ideal choice for large-scale enterprises that need to manage and deliver content across multiple platforms and channels. It is particularly well-suited for teams looking to create cohesive digital experiences with a high degree of customization and integration. If your project requires a scalable solution that supports complex content orchestration and multi-channel publishing, Contentful’s robust API infrastructure and AWS-backed reliability make it a strong candidate. Additionally, its user-friendly interface ensures that all team members, regardless of technical expertise, can contribute effectively to content creation and management​.

When is it not?: Contentful may not be the best fit for small projects with limited budgets, as the costs can scale quickly with increased usage and additional features. It might also be overkill for simple content management needs, as its extensive capabilities and enterprise focus can be overwhelming for smaller teams or projects that do not require such a high level of functionality. For teams looking for a more straightforward, budget-friendly CMS, other options might be more appropriate​.

Decap CMS (formerly known as Netlify CMS)

USP: Git-based workflow, open-source, designed for static site generators. Netlify CMS is an open-source content management system that leverages your Git workflow to manage content. It provides editors with an intuitive, user-friendly interface without requiring them to understand Git. Netlify CMS is designed to work seamlessly with any static site generator, making it ideal for creating fast, flexible web projects. Content is stored directly in your Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket), allowing for easier versioning, multi-channel publishing, and direct content updates through Git​.

When is it good for me?: Netlify CMS is an excellent choice if your project relies on static site generation and you value a Git-based workflow. It is particularly suited for teams that already use Git for version control and want to integrate content management into this workflow. The ability to store content directly in a Git repository provides seamless versioning and collaboration, making it easy to manage and deploy content across multiple channels. If your team prefers open-source tools and values flexibility in development, Netlify CMS is a strong candidate​.

When is it not?: Netlify CMS may not be suitable for projects that require dynamic content management or complex backend functionalities, as it is designed primarily for static sites. Additionally, if your team is not familiar with Git or does not use a Git-based workflow, the integration might present a steep learning curve. The system also requires manual configuration and integration with existing systems, which may be a drawback for teams looking for a more out-of-the-box solution.

Directus CMS

USP: Open-source, overlay for existing SQL databases, flexible licensing. Directus is an open-source tool Combining the utility of a Headless CMS with the power of a Backend-as-a-Service designed to work seamlessly with any existing SQL database. On top of core CMS features, Directus includes a number of functionalities that turn the platform into a full-fledged BaaS (Backend-as-a-Service), including a user authentication & authorization system as well as a highly customizable low-code admin panel.

Directus offers both cloud-hosted and self-hosted options. The cloud version runs on AWS, benefiting from its security and reliability features, while the self-hosted version can be freely downloaded and used without a license fee, provided your organization’s annual income is below $5M​.

When is it good for me?: Directus is an excellent choice if your project relies on a relational database, as it supports all SQL databases out of the box. Its open-source nature and modular architecture make it highly customizable, allowing you to extend and override its functionalities as needed. The self-hosted option is particularly cost-effective for startups and small businesses with lower revenues, offering a high degree of control over your data without licensing costs. If security and performance are top priorities, the AWS-backed cloud option provides a robust and reliable infrastructure​.

When is it not?: Directus might not be the best fit if your team lacks the technical expertise to manage the initial setup and ongoing maintenance, especially for complex projects. Additionally, while the cloud version offers significant advantages, the costs associated with AWS infrastructure might be prohibitive for smaller projects that do not require such high levels of security and reliability​.


Headless CMS platforms have become a compelling choice for modern businesses, offering the flexibility to distribute content across various platforms, scalability to accommodate growing projects, and improved security by separating the backend from the frontend. Additionally, these platforms integrate effortlessly with contemporary tools, allowing businesses to craft personalized and engaging user experiences.

When choosing the right Headless CMS for your needs, it’s crucial to consider the specific requirements of your project and your team’s capabilities.

Each of these platforms offers unique strengths, and the best choice will depend on your specific needs—whether it’s speed, scalability, cost-efficiency, or ease of integration with existing systems. By understanding these differences, CTOs and development teams can make informed decisions that align with their project goals, ultimately leading to more efficient content management and a better user experience.