Home Blog Software Development Best Practices and Tools for Testing Enterprise PHP Applications

Best Practices and Tools for Testing Enterprise PHP Applications

Stating that testing code in digital products is important might sound like a cliché. However, I can’t emphasize enough how vital code testing is for any project, particularly large enterprise projects. These applications are developed over many years, marked by high complexity, and even a minor error can cause problems across multiple features. In this article, I’ll share insights from my experience with enterprise software, including observations and useful tools. Enjoy the read!

Best Practices and Tools for Testing Enterprise PHP Applications

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As a PHP developer working on enterprise products, I’ve encountered several significant challenges that impact the development process and the overall quality of the final product. One of the biggest hurdles is the abandonment of testing in many companies. Often, firms feel they don’t have time for comprehensive testing, which is a costly mistake in the long run. From my experience, tools like Infection for mutation testing can be invaluable, especially in large projects, as they catch potential errors missed by traditional unit tests.

Another challenge is the rare use of specialized tools. Solutions like Deptrac or Infection can dramatically improve code quality, yet they’re often underutilized. Raising awareness about these tools and incorporating them into our regular workflow can make a substantial difference in ensuring the robustness of enterprise software.

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Tools and the Problems They Solve

There are plenty of great tools that help maintain the quality of enterprise products. I’ve selected my favourites, though there are certainly alternatives, and I encourage readers to explore other options as well.

PHPStan - Potential Code Errors

One of the most important tools that helps in detecting potential errors in code is PHPStan. This code analysis tool automates the process of identifying errors and inconsistencies. PHPStan is particularly useful when integrated with the Continuous Integration process. This way, every change in the code is automatically checked for potential errors, significantly increasing the quality and stability of the project. Additionally, I appreciate how PHPStan provides detailed reports that make it easier to pinpoint and address issues swiftly. Its ability to catch subtle bugs early on saves considerable time during development and testing phases.

GitHub Copilot - Tedious Parameter Entry

Tedious parameter entry is another challenge we have to face. In this context, GitHub Copilot is a tool that significantly speeds up the work. Copilot learns the project and automatically suggests large chunks of code, which is extremely useful, especially when creating tests. Thanks to Copilot, we can save a lot of time on entering repetitive code fragments, which is particularly important in large Enterprise projects.

It’s worth mentioning that Copilot has additional features that can significantly accelerate and enhance a software developer’s workflow.

PHPMetrics - Duplicating Logic in Programming

Duplicating logic in programming is an issue that often leads to errors and code unreadability. Static code analysis tools, such as PHPMetrics, help in detecting duplicated logic and other inconsistencies. PHPMetrics generates detailed reports that show how many lines of code, classes, and potential errors we have. With this information, we can better understand how our project is developing and which elements need improvement.

PHP Unit: A Library for Unit PHP Testing

PHPUnit is one of the most important tools in my work. It is a library for creating unit tests, but it can also be used to write integration tests. PHP Unit is the most popular library for unit testing in PHP, and in my opinion, it is a tool that every PHP developer should know. Thanks to unit tests, we can be sure that our code works correctly and is resistant to changes in other parts of the project.

Deptrac: Testing Architecture in PHP

Deptrac is another tool worth knowing. It is a code architecture testing tool that helps analyze dependencies between modules. With Deptrac, we can write architecture tests that check whether our modules are properly separated and if there are no excessive couplings. In large Enterprise projects, such a tool is invaluable as it helps maintain order and code readability.

Infection: Mutation Testing in PHP

Infection PHP is a mutation testing tool that is extremely useful in large projects. Mutation tests check our tests by introducing changes in the code and verifying if the tests can detect these changes. In my opinion, Infection is a tool that can significantly enhance the quality of tests and help in identifying potential errors that might be missed by traditional unit tests.

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In summary, tools like PHP Unit, GitHub Copilot, PHPStan, PHPMetrics, Deptrac, and Infection are indispensable in the code testing process for large Enterprise projects. Each of these tools has its unique advantages and helps in solving specific problems that we face daily. In my opinion, investing in these tools pays off multiple times over by increasing the quality and stability of our projects.